
There are several forms of membership within RSL NSW. These are Service Member, Life Member, Unnattached Member and Affiliate Member.

If you would like to join the RSL Sub Branch or would like information for a family member or friend please don’t hesitate to contact us.

More information can be found at the NSW RSL website

Service Membership

Any person who has served in the Australian Defence Force, or served with or supported or was otherwise engaged with the Australian Defence Force or the Armed Forces of its Allies, for at least 6 months, or any other person provided for in the Constitution, may be admitted to Service Membership.

There is a requirement to prove your service before being admitted to the RSL as a member. While this is unfortunate, we need to ensure that all members of the RSL are not only eligible, but also that they conduct themselves appropriately. If you think you are eligible for membership click here for information on how to obtain a copy of your Service and Medical Records which will be presented with your application to the Sub Branch. Please contact us if you require help with this process or click here for a membership form.

Life Membership

Other than in exceptional circumstances, a State Branch shall not propose a Service Member over whom it has jurisdiction, for election by the National Executive to the class of Life Member unless that Service Member shall have been a Service Member for at least 15 continuous years and shall have rendered not less than 10 years’ outstanding service to the League.
Life Membership can be awarded to individuals within the RSL who have provided 15 continuous years service to the RSL. They also must have rendered no less than 10 years outstanding service to the league. At the Albion Park Sub Branch we are proud to have many Life Members.
Information and Forms

Unattached List

If you do not wish to be a member of a Sub Branch but still want to be a part of the RSL, you may join the Unattached List at ANZAC House. This means that you would be a member of The League but take no active participation in Sub Branch matters.

Affiliate Membership

Persons who are eligible to become an Affiliate Member must be eighteen years or older and comply with at least one of the following:
(i) is a person who is any relative of a person (living or deceased) who is or was eligible to be a Service or Life Member of the League (proof of eligibility to be provided to the sub-Branch);
(ii) is a person who had been awarded the Certificate of Merit or a National or State Certificate of Appreciation for giving valuable service to the League;
(iii) is a cadet and/or Officer of Cadets;
(iv) is any person deemed by the sub-Branch Committee to have provided significant service to the sub-Branch and support of the Objects of the League.

Note: No sub-Branch is compelled to admit Affiliate Members. Affiliates fill out an application form and then will be nominated by a Service, Life-member or Affiliate member and seconded  by a Service, Life-member or Affiliate member. The Sub Branch will then present the potential-Affiliates information at the next General Meeting and only after being voted for by a simple majority of members present will they be admitted as an Affiliate Member.

Generally, Affiliate Members will be invited by the Sub Branch or a member to become an Affiliate Member and then complete their application which can be found by clicking here.